Florida Auto Accident Attorneys 2023


Florida Auto Accident Attorneys

Tragically, driving is one of many situations in which what other people do can have a significant impact on you and your passengers.

Whether intentional or not, one person's actions could result in significant healthcare costs, several lost workdays, and major injuries.

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You could fight to recover damages and hold a negligent driver accountable for their actions with the help of the talented Florida fender bender attorneys from Kogan and DiSalvo.

By working with our own physical issue attorneys, you could substantially increase your chances of recouping just compensation and reaching a successful outcome for your case.

To discuss your auto collision guarantee, get in touch with our offices right now.

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My car accident claim should be handled by whom?

How soon can I submit a car accident claim?

The severity of a person's injuries has no bearing on how long an aggrieved party must wait to demand compensation.

In general, Florida's legal time restriction should be met by the majority of personal injury lawsuits.

According to Florida Statute 95.11, in some special instances, actions based on carelessness must be documented in court some time after the injury occurred. This suggests that harmed parties have four years following the crash to obtain payments because the majority of engine vehicle accident claims allege respondent negligence.

The two instances that seek compensation through a claim and those that ask for installment payments through a settlement are covered by this equivalent time frame.

An attorney from Kogan and DiSalvo in Florida could make an effort to ensure that a car collision guarantee adheres with all applicable time restrictions.

What Should I Do if No Police Report Is Available?

People involved in an accident should notify the police in certain situations so they can record a report.

Conditions that call for police action may include:

Individual harm or demise

In the case that one of the drivers flees the scene of the accident

In the unlikely event that one of the drivers is drunk

If a commercial vehicle is involved in the accident;

In the unlikely event that at least one of the involved automobiles needs to be towed away from the site.

If the police arrive on the scene, they can gather the pertinent information and compile a report.

If the damage caused by the accident exceeds $500 but the police don't come to the site, then the injured party is required to file a complaint on their own.

They ought to act accordingly, with the appropriate police unit keeping watch over the scene of the accident.

A person can file a report of an accident either online or in person at the appropriate agency.

It is not legally required for someone to report the incident if it was a small accident that caused no major hurt or other mischief.

However, it is still advised that any party who has been hurt files a report so the specifics of the accident are accurate.

There are a few items to include while writing a police report, such as the location and time of the incident, descriptions of the involved vehicles, protection information for all participating groups, their contact information, and any witnesses to the incident.

Things to Avoid Saying to an Insurance Company

It helps to know what to say when you arrive at an insurance company after a collision, but it also helps to know what statements to avoid.

Recognize that the insurance company's aims and the people who record cases are not always flexible.

Affected groups should protect themselves by speaking uhen necessary.

To ensure that no one says anything that could jeopardize their case, contact one of our auto collision attorneys for assistance.

First and foremost, it is best to wait to document a case with the insurance company until everyone who needs clinical attention has received it and any important reports have been kept on file.

Calling soon after the accident while you might still be in shock or be recovering from the crash can make it difficult to focus, and you might relay information that could make your case less strong Who's the biggest law firm in Florida

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Additionally, avoid admitting fault or offering an apology to anyone at the scene of the accident or to the insurance company.

Through the report and between the protection suppliers, the issue is not set in stone.

When involved in an automobile accident, it can be challenging to determine exactly what happened, so leave that job to those pursuing the case.

Likewise, persons involved in an accident shouldn't downplay their injuries or claim that they didn't cause any.

Days after an accident, pain and wounds may still manifest, thus it is crucial to hold off on making any declarations about one's health until it is absolutely certain that no lasting injuries exist.

Avoid expressing any shaky assertions or opinions.

If the answer to a question is unknown, don't respond to it or just state, "I have no idea." On the odd chance that there is any doubt or confusion regarding the cycle and what they are asking, it could be helpful to search for the advice of Kogan and DiSalvo before responding to their questions.

Damages That Are Easy to Access After a Motor Vehicle Collision

Respondents in auto accident cases are obligated to compensate all injuries and damages that result from their negligence.

No matter how unintentionally they may have intended to harm someone, a responsible litigant must give their full compensation.

It falls on the injured or aggrieved individuals to demonstrate the impact that a respondent's negligence has had on their life.

The obligation for clinical consideration has the most obvious influence.

Fender benders frequently result in actual injuries including shattered bones, isolated joints, spinal cord damage, or terrible brain injuries.

A respondent who is at fault must pay in instalments to cover the costs of any essential medical care related to these injuries, both immediately after an incident and in the future.

However, some car accidents can have an impact on people that goes beyond mere injuries.

The majority of real wounds are accompanied by severe suffering.

Whether this is suffering from the immediate result or feeling enduring while trying to recover, a respondent should make up for this loss with personal happiness.

Numerous accidents can also result in severe, life-altering injuries that might cause PTSD, horrible dreams, and the inability to get back into a car.

Offended parties should try to put a monetary value on these losses in order to seek fair compensation in a case.

Finally, a mishap can affect a person's ability to earn money.

In the event that a physical condition is severe enough to prevent an individual from working while still recovering, the plaintiff is required to make up any lost wages.

More severe accidents could result in a very long-lasting loss of ability to find work. A litigant may be required to make payments against a lost procurement limit in following situations.

A Florida car accident attorney could help injured people create interest packages that seek payment for all of their losses.

How is Negligence Established in Florida Car Accident Cases?

The most prevalent legal foundation upon which auto accident attorneys build their cases is carelessness.

Since everyone who sits in the driver's seat enters into a shared understanding that they would operate their vehicles in a way that doesn't expose others to an unreasonable risk of injury, carelessness applies to these situations.

This is a real commitment because even a single misunderstanding of the situation or interruption might result in devastating collisions with other drivers or pedestrians.

One can consider someone to be reckless if they drive negligently and seriously endanger others in the process.

Offended parties must present specific arguments in an automobile accident case to show risk due to reckless behavior.

The Florida injury attorneys at Kogan and DiSalvo could help a petitioner establish negligence in a case involving a fender bender.

The Duty to Care

All drivers anticipate having a duty of care to operate their vehicles safely and in compliance with all traffic laws.

This legal obligation extends to various cars, travelers, cyclists, pedestrians, and other people out and about.

It is impossible for a driver to delegate this responsibility to anybody else while operating a vehicle on public streets because it is programmed into the system.

Florida Duty Violation

In Florida, it is on to the aggrieved party to prove that a litigant breached their duty of care in a motor vehicle accident case.

This commitment may be violated by litigants in several ways. Several models include breaking a transit rule, driving while intoxicated, or texting and driving.


Every fender-bender lawsuit should draw a connection between the injured party's injuries and a breach of the duty of care.

When an insurance company states that there is no proof of a connection between the impact and the guaranteed losses, a startling proportion of cases encounter difficulty.


The final and most important component of a case is accurately describing the effects of the respondent's negligence on the life of the party who was harmed. Completely developed cases should include evidence of their losses, such as doctor or emergency room expenses, as well as evidence of the impact the accident has had on their overall health or ability to earn a living.

Versus the Duty of Care

There are primarily two methods in which aggrieved parties can demonstrate a breach of the respondent's duty of care.

The first is to demonstrate that a party to a lawsuit disregarded a transit rule at the time of the impact.

Most high speeds are limited by shifting transit regulations, which also call for drivers to yield and forbid unsafe activities like texting and driving.

If the party who was wronged can demonstrate that the respondent was breaking the rules at the time of the accident and that the subsequent municipal court case resulted in a conviction, this could provide clear evidence of negligence.

There are not many evident instances of other engine vehicle crashes in Florida. Regarding who was to fault for an accident, there can actually be some doubt.

For instance, this may arise when a police report is unclear about what happened during the incident or fails to provide a pass to one party or the other.

In the current situation, a Florida vehicle accident attorney could help with identifying the mentality

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